HM Series

The world’s smallest* lightweight, high performance 8-axis controller that offers a high degree of freedom in installation to save space.


Compact Size

The world’s smallest* lightweight, high performance 8-axis controller that offers a high degree of freedom in installation to save space.

  • Lightweight: 10 kg
  • Space-saving cable

*As of November 2011, in-house research for robot controllers supporting six-axis robots (3 Kw class)

Exceptional Usability

Improved GUI for Increased Efficiency

  • A clearer, more logical menu structure and improved usability.
  • Improved GUI and control functions reduce time required to implement a robot.







Compliance with Global Standards

Leveled specifications and standards to improve variability 80% of global share networks supported.

Wide Expandability

Many different devices can be connected and controlled to meet a wide range of needs.

Safety Motion Function (optional)

Working near DENSO robots safely is possible thanks to the Safety Motion function of the RC8A robot controller. This function enables users to define virtual fences around the work environment and thus regulate the robot’s activity when a person enters into predefined safety zones.

The Safety Motion function is a cutting-edge tool for maximizing industrial robot safety and is offered as an with the RC8A robot controller. Optical sensors are employed to dynamically control robot speed in relation to the distance of approaching individuals, making working environments with robots safer for humans. The sensors — one placed at the bottom and one at the top of the automation cell — generate virtual safe zones. Zones A and B are farthest from the robot and Zone C is closest. Entry into Zones A or B triggers speed reductions, while entry into Zone C stops the robot entirely.

The system uses optical sensors to dynamically control robot speed in relation to the distance of approaching individuals.

Operation-area Monitoring (Zone A)

  • Limits robot operation area to personnel working area.
  • Personnel and robot can both approach common operation area.

Speed Monitoring (Zone B)

  • Limits robot operation speed to safe level when sensor detects personnel entering a specified area.

Stop Monitoring (Zone C)

  • Stops robot motion when personnel are detected.
  • Returns robot to operation immediate after personnel leave.
Model nameRC8A
Power supplyCapacity1.8 kVA
Allowable input voltage rangeThree-phase AC200V -15% - AC240V +10% (100 V specification also available for the VP series.)
FrequencySingle-phase AC230V -10% - AC240V +10%
Power cable length5m
No. of axes controlledRobot: 4 to 6 axes
Extended-joint: 2 to 4 axes (optional)
Control methodPTP, CP3-dimensional linier, 3-dimensional arc (For SC series and Extended-joints, available PTP control only.)
Drive methodAll axes all digital AC servo
Language in useDENSO Robotics language (PacScript)
Memory capacityUser area Variable area: 1.75MB (32,766 points equivalent)
File area: 400MB (5,000 stepsx256 files)
Teaching method1) Remote teaching
2) Numerical entry (MDI)
3) Direct teaching (HS series, HM series)
External signal (I/O, etc.)Universal/dedicated Mini I/OInput: User open 8 points + System fix 14 points (Safety I/O-less specification: System fix 13 points) 1 Output: User open 8 points + System fix 18 points (Safety I/O-less specification: System fix 12 points)
Universal/dedicated Hand I/OInput : User open 8 points
Output : User open 8 points
Universal/dedicated Safety MotionSafety input: 14 points
Safety output: 6 points 
**For Safety Motion specification exclusive use.
DeviceNet slave board (option)Bus: PCI Express Input : 256 points / Output : 256 points
CC-Link remote device board (option)Bus: PCI Express Input: 128 points / Output: 128 points
Remote register Input: 256 points / Output: 256 points
PROFIBUS slave board (option)Bus: PCI Express Input : 256 points / Output : 256 points
EtherNet/IP Adapter board (option)Bus: PCI Express Input: 4032 points / Output: 4032 points
PROFINET IO Device board (option)Bus: PCI Express Input: 8192 points / Output: 8192 point
EtherCAT slave board (option)Bus: PCI Express Input: 2048 points / Output: 2048 points
External communicationRS-232C: 1 line, Ethernet: 1 line (GbE: Gigabit Ethernet), USB: 2 lines, VGA: 1 line (option)
Expansion slotPCI 1 slot
PCI Express 1 slot
Self diagnosis functionOverrun, servo error, memory error, input error, short circuit detection (user wiring part)
Environmental condition (in motion)Temperature 0 to 40 degree C, humidity 90% RH or less (dew condensation not allowed)
Safety categoryStandard type Safety I/O Category4 PL=e
Safety Motion Specification Safety I/O Category4 PL=e Safety Motion I/O Category3 PL=d
IP classificationIP20
Approximate weightStandard: 10kg, Motion: 11kg *2
1 Power for the 100 VAC specification is “Single-phase 100 VAC –5% to 110 VAC +10% 50/60 Hz, 1 kVA.
2 Excludes weight of supplied cables.


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